Array Declaration
Array Declaration Declaration is an important process for a variable so that the compiler will know what kind of variable , containing which type of value and of what size is required by the user . Therefore , an array is also declared as other variables. In declaration we provides the name and the size of array. Syntax of array declaration is as follows : - Int - N [a]; Int : Type of Data N : Name of Variable [a] : Size of Length Type of Data or data type defines the type or category of element's can be stored in the arrays . Like - int type only store number's, Name (n) specifies the name of array or variable. [a] Size or Length specifies the capacity of storing elements. Like [10] means it can only store 10 elements. For example - int N [10]. In the above example, the name of array is N and it can accept only 10 integer (number) type of el...